Hello lovely, today we’re going to talk about Dior’s Star Studio foundation, and believe me…it’s been a long time coming!
No, really. It has been a long time coming. Why, you ask? Because my Sephora has been keeping Dior’s Star foundation away from me for ages. Every time I took a trip to Sephora, they were out of my shade (which is 22 by the way), and being too anxious to get it in person, I was too much of a slacker to put in the effort and order online. (Plus, online shopping at Sephora tends to get me into trouble.)
Low and behold, after the fourth failed trip to Sephora – I walked to the opposite end of the mall and snagged this at Nordstrom. Lesson learned? Always, ALWAYS try Nordstrom first – unless it’s a VIB Sale. (Naturally.)

Shopping challenges aside, I have to say – Dior‘s done a bang up job with their Star foundation. One fortune of Sephora being out of stock so frequently was getting to go through two samples before finally sealing the deal with a purchase – and it was love. The finish has a lovely, natural glow…leaving your skin looking plush and healthy, that’s beautiful as an everyday look or built up for a night out. Dior doesn’t declare this foundation to ‘long-wearing’, but if you are looking for something that can last you through the day without a million touch-ups, I’m happy to report this one does a pretty swell job.
The first time I used this I was having a headshot taken with flash photography, and I was a bit paranoid about the SPF and ‘illuminating’ promise, although the salesgirl talked me into it after swearing it wouldn’t give me trouble. I took a chance, wearing this in hopes of looking lovely at a daytime function – and by golly, she was right. It photographs beautifully and makes me feel really ‘put together’ – even if I only threw this on with a 5 minute makeup look.
Another perk is the lightness of Dior’s Star foundation on your skin. It sits nicely atop your skin, without feeling heavy or getting ‘gunky’. Not that I expected a Dior foundation to get ‘gunky’, but you never know!
In fact, this was my very first time trying a foundation from Dior, and I’m quite impressed! As it’s summer now, I haven’t been wearing this on days where I’ll be outside most of the day, because I’m not sold on it being entirely sweatproof – but in non-humid conditions, you’ll be pleased with it.
Thank you for reading and please share if you’ve tried this foundation yet!
What products do you love from Dior’s beauty range?
This sounds so nice! I’ve got the Diorskin Nude foundation and I really love it, but if this gives the skin a glow I’ll have to save up for this one too!
Kelsey | beautybykelsey.com
It really is like perfect, natural skin in a bottle. Well worth the extra pennies! – xoxo
Great review!
Mademoiselle Coconath
Great review – thanks for sharing!
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