As promised, I won’t let Mad Men slip away without giving it a proper send off! And by proper send off, I mean: savoring each final fashion moment in a weekly post. From now through the show’s end you can expect routine fashion reviews! On Wednesdays, I will review the fashion of Sunday night’s episode. Hopefully this will give those of you watching the final season time to catch the episode. These posts will really be about the fashion and not the drama. I hope they remain spoiler free…but, as they are screencaps of the show itself, you never know what could happen! It is Mad Men after all
Period wise, the show has hit the mid-1960s, which is the height of psychadelic-flower-power-mania! Which means (I HOPE) that we’re in for some awesomely-loud prints this season. (I’m looking at you Megan!)
As far as Sunday’s premiere Time Zones goes, there are two standout fashion moments and one you may not expect. The first comes in the form of a hat. And the other, comes in the form of a Peter Campbell. Yes. Peter Campbell is now making fashion statements. Who knew he had it in him?! Enjoy!
See you here next week, same time same place, for a look at the next episode. In the meantime, catch up on last week’s posts on Betty, Joan, and Peggy‘s biggest style moments.