Well folks, it’s been one month since I made the decision to follow a vegan lifestyle. Just how is that going, by the way? Let me tell you!
I’m not one for anniversaries, but the lift in my mental and physical health after just one month into my new vegan lifestyle has me wanting to share with you how this journey is going and some things I’ve learned along the way. In a world where meat and dairy products are conveniently everywhere and so socially accepted, it’s definitely been interesting taking the ‘I’m vegan’ stance, with some awkward odd looks thrown in here and there.
In case you missed it, I did share in this post here about my previous life as a vegetarian for 10 years and how I bit by bit eliminated dairy products out of my life before making the full jump to vegan on February 26th 🙂
I Promise You, No Preaching!
Before I go any further, I want to stress that I am not trying to be preachy or berate you with a million negatives of eating meat and dairy. That’s NOT what this post is about. Whether you’re vegan, vegetarian or a big meat lover…that’s your choice! Your diet is a very personal decision that only you can make for yourself. I just want to share with you some of my discoveries from going vegan, to feed any curiosity you may have and let you know how it’s all going for me…as well as some cool tips I’ve found along the way.
I Feel Great and Look Great!
Every vegan I’ve ever met discusses the way they feel, swearing by this lightness that comes when stepping away from meat and dairy. They talk about it like a giant cloud has been lifted…and I’m here to tell you, they are absolutely right. As I tapered off eating dairy through the years, I suspected that I was becoming lactose intolerant and now I fully believe that I was. My body just wasn’t digesting that stuff well and without it, I have more energy…I feel more focused…my skin is clear…I’m happy!
Everybody loves Ellen, right? In this video, Katie Couric asked her about her decision to go vegan and beloved Ellen shared that she believed putting nourishment and energy into your body that came from pain and suffering was bad for our overall sense of well-being. It all sounds very hippie and kale-loving, but as time goes by…the more I think queen Ellen is onto something. I feel good physically and mentally…and am proud of the things that I’m eating. Go me!
Guacamole is GOALS!
Sometimes I feel like I could live off purely chips, salsa and tacos. Legit! Veggie tacos have been a staple in my diet for a while and as such I’ve always loved guacamole…but now that I’ve kicked cheese to the curb, I really appreciate this green avocado goodness for the savory delicious wonder that it is!
Guacamole is also SOOO easy to make fresh on your own. For my simple recipe:
Combine two ripe avocados, minced 1-2 garlic cloves, minced half-bundle of cilantro, 1-2 tablespoons of water (depending on your preference), salt/pepper and fresh lime juice (but it’s great without too if you don’t have a lime). You can puree it in a blender or just mash and mix together with a spoon for a more ‘chunky’ consistency. It virtually takes just a few minutes and BOOM! Fresh, guacamole that’s delicious on just about anything…and by itself.
As always, when I want a new recipe the first place I go is Pinterest! Duh.
On Pinterest I discovered two really fantastic blogs that have massive libraries of delicious vegan meals that are savory and tasty as all get out. The Minimalist Baker and Hot for Food are probably my all around favorites. Oh…and follow me on Pinterest here because I have created boards with loads of recipes, ranging from tasty breakfasts to savory dinners and out of this world desserts!
Why Buy the Cow When You Can Have the Almond or the Coconut Milk?
Sooooo many recipes are easy to convert into ‘vegan’ simply through substituting almond or coconut milk…and natural plant-based butter like Earth Balance. As a vegetarian, I had loads of favorite recipes…none of which I’ve had to give up. Simply swapping out the cow for a coconut or almond takes virtually no extra effort at all and is SO much easier on my digestive system.
I’m Here for You, Not Your Food!
I’ve gotten quite a few sneers over the past month when I politely decline something because I’ve switched to being vegan. The sneers make me feel bad inside, because they make me suspect that that person thinks I’m judging them or being rude…which I’m absolutely not trying to do. While you do you and I do me, we can still have fun together!
Here’s the thing, my decision to go vegan is one I made for my health and wellness. It has nothing to do with anyone else. When I politely decline your cookies, I’m not judging you. I think you’re so sweet for offering and I really do appreciate it. When I’m at your birthday party or celebration, I’m there for YOU…not your roast beef. I accept that being vegan is a specialized diet in today’s world and would never want to make someone feel uncomfortable about it or like they need to cater to me in any special way. Please don’t worry about me. I’m an adult and a great cook and know how to take care of myself. Now, let’s smile, laugh together and have a vodka, shall we?
Google Makes Being Vegan a Snap!
I think what held me back from being vegan was a fear of how difficult it would make life. As it turns out though, it’s really not that hard. We have access to so many vegan-approved options that you really don’t have to go that far out of your way to find a good meal. Especially when it comes to vegan inspired meals, they don’t always have to be bland and boring. That is a common misconception that a lot of people have and it is not a;ways true. Thanks to the internet, being able to do a quick search into something like Pure Blends recipes, you can find so many recipes to create amazing dishes. There’s no excuse to not being able to make whatever you want. All it takes is some minor tweaks to your routine shopping list and a quick Google search before you eat something. “Is X vegan?” yields so much quick and easy information, as well as alternatives if x does turn out to be vegan but y is just as good but does qualify.
Make use of all the great content that is out there! Going out to eat? Most restaurants have wised up and included meat/dairy free options. Those are usually identified on the menu, but if not…remember, Google is your friend!
Experimenting with Vegan Recipes is Easy and Fun!
Turns out, mealtime is not just tasty…it’s also a lot of fun. Fresh, vibrant ingredients with bomb seasonings make for a plate full of happiness! I’ve discovered a true love of sweat potatoes in all kinds of variations, that farro and quinoa go with just about anything and that vegan Key Lime Pie not only exists, it’s delicious! My friend has also just sent me a link to Thrivo and said it is great for vegan meal ideas. I’ll be checking it out soon, so I’ll let you know the verdict! If you don’t already, follow me on Instagram where I’m sharing some of my inventions.
You Can Have Your Comfort Junk Food, Too
We ALL know how great it feels to curl up with Netflix and eat crap after a crap day. Turns out, being vegan means you can absolutely do that too! (Sorry doctors and nutritionists, I had to say it. Balance?)
I think there’s this idea that vegans are all natural and healthy hippies all the time. Not true. While I do think with awareness over what you’re putting in your body comes with a natural aversion to heavily processed foods and refined sugar in time…vegans DO have those cheat days, too. No, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Cheez-its are no longer go-to comforts of mine, but I have had my share of Thin Mints, potato chips and the seasonally appropriate jelly beans over the past few weeks. Vegan junk food exists, too…and it’s just as tempting.
“Bad” Food is NOT Your Enemy
I saw this girl on Twitter go on an actual rant that Oprah’s “I lost weight while eating bread” Weight Watchers commercial is the ‘biggest lie’ she’s ever heard.
And I laughed. And laughed. How sad it must be to live in a world where you think bread and pasta are your enemy.
Since going “vegan”, I’ve dropped 10 pounds… in a month. Have I cut out bread on top of dairy? Heck no. I’ve been endlessly enjoying quinoa, farro, rice, spaghetti, bread, vodka, etc. I’ve even enjoyed a vegan shake multiple times. What does that tell me? Carbs aren’t my enemy and are certainly not making me fat. On the flip side, dairy products were making me bloated as hell. #Gross
Now! Go make yourself a vodka tonic…with a side of bread.
How Can You Save Your Health and the Environment? Go Vegan.
Lastly, I just want to briefly touch on the health and environmental benefits of going vegan. I love animals and their welfare is of utmost importance to me, but that’s just one piece of the conversation. Heart disease is the number one killer in the world. How can we combat that? Turn the focus to what’s on our plates. The environment is suffering. How can we combat that? Turn the focus to what’s on our plates. Bill Clinton gave a vegan lifestyle a thumbs up after he turned to it for his heart health. Doctors give it a thumbs up. Environmentalists give it a thumbs up. With so many thumbs up, it’s hard to see any sound argument for a thumbs down…
Because there is SO much information out there to feed through, I wanted to share this really informative and concise video I found when making the final decision to go vegan. It’s catchy and sums things up nicely!
Want More Information on the Benefits of Going Vegan?
For your health, watch Forks Over Knives (on Netflix)
For your environment, watch Cowspiracy and prepare to be amazed! (On Netflix)
For your animals and the improvement of mankind, watch Earthlings. (On YouTube, here.)
And that’s it! My shortlist of lessons learned just one month into my journey as a vegan. I can only imagine, through seasons and years to come my experiences and discoveries will only grow. When the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve, going vegan wasn’t on my list of goals for the year…but it’s hands down the best decision of 2016, yet.
Thank you SO much for much for reading and I hope I gave you some things to think about. If you are a vegan, please let me know! I’ve been so impressed by how welcoming and supportive the community is around following a plant-based diet and I’d love to be your buddy and share tips & tricks!
Much love to you all!