I confess, it would be really easy to shut this post and continue rocking out to Beyonce whilst planning my New York Fashion Week coverage. But, I did vow to be more accountable on this journey to lose 10 pounds, and so here I am with an update.
Let’s start out on high note: I lost three more pounds! Talk about a miracle. It’s been a roundabout, emotional roller coaster few weeks – but I’ve managed to carve off a few pounds and stick to a somewhat consistent routine of diet and exercise. I say somewhat, because I did spend a full week living in one confined room with my poor doggie Lucky, who was battling a very devastating ’bout of Vestibular Disease. (If you haven’t heard of that, me either! But, it is a really horrific thing that will make your dog act as though he’s suffered a stroke. Unable to walk. Head tilt. Moving eyes. The works.)
Thankfully, after a week straight of being glued to Lucky’s side, including hand serving him meals and water, he is on the mend! He still has a slight head tilt, which the vet feels might be there to stay, but he’s basically back to his usual, adorable and happy self.
Diet wise, I’ve been loading up on lots of veggies! The produce right now is unreal, and I’ve been whipping up everything from fresh lemon & cilantro salad, to roasted vegetable tacos with homemade guacamole, bruschetta and more. It’s not only been beneficial to my diet, but also a lot of fun spending time in the kitchen and testing out new recipes. A friend of mine who is also on a weight loss journey has started using bio x4 to try and master her cravings. It’s meant to speed up your metabolism too as well as improving your digestion. It seems to be working well for her so if I struggle to lose the last couple of lbs, I might invest in it too.
Exercise is where I’ve been slacking a bit, although this week I did manage to get back on the horse. There was a good two week stretch where my workouts were minimal, but even then I’ve been trying to fit more steps into my day. You know, simple things like parking at the far end of the parking lot or just making a loop or two around the building at work periodically through the day.
That leaves me with just 4 more pounds to go. My goal at this point isn’t to even focus on the ‘weight’ but to continue getting more toned up. I want to continue targeting my core and thighs/hips, as those areas are most important with my history of back problems. The weather has been BEAUTIFUL this month, meaning the workouts that I have gone on have typically been outdoors, which is so lovely. There’s something so much more gratifying about getting some cardio out in the fresh air and sunshine.
Oh, I’ve also been trying to stick to my ‘no eating after 7:30 pm’ plan, which I admit has been more like 8 o’clock. The overall idea of not eating before bedtime is absolutely working though. Giving my body time to digest before bed seems to make a big difference mostly in how I feel. I’m not sure it has that dramatic of an effect on my ‘weight’, but I generally feel less bloated and lethargic in the morning.
Okay guy, I’m off to round off more NYFW planning. I’m gutted not to attend because I keep getting amazing invites, but there’s a major event at work that I simply can’t miss. Stay tuned though, because I’ll be featuring a lot of my favorite collections right here on Dream in Lace!
Continue to follow my weightloss journey on Twitter and Snapchat. (I’m +dreaminlace). I’ve been pretty good about consistently snapping away during my workouts. Follow along!!
Join me on social media by using the hashtag #FitInLace
you must be working hard because the result is awesome. I set my goal to losing weight but somehow I don’t actually follow it besides starving myself. Ok, I lost weight but then it comes back, so I lost my hope on getting back my old weight.
Dice, ’96 Wild Heart
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One thing I’ve realized is how much work it is to maintain my favorite weight. I know I could get there again, but you’re right — it nearly starving myself on a diet of raw almonds and herbal tea..and that’s just not realistic in the long haul. It is really difficult to find that balance…
So glad Lucky is doing so much better! You are a very good dog mom <3 And that's awesome you're eating so many veggies! Whenever I can get my veggies from a farmer's market they tend to be the very best
Yes, my furry baby Lucky has one dedicated momma. We’re one happy pair together
Congrats on the weight loss gorgeous girl, really well done, but such sad news about your little dog… hope he’s fully recovered soon!
Congrats on the weight loss gorge thats amazing, so sorry about your doggy though xxx
It was really scary! So, so glad that he’s getting better and better every day.
Yay!! Keep going!!!
Losing weight is difficult, for sure. Maintaining it after is the difficult part. Especially during summer! I’m in the middle of writing a post about how much working out/dieting sucks because my endorphins are clearly different from everybody else’s! LOL.
Hahaha that sounds like a brilliant post!