Isn’t it sad when great clothes happen to AWESOME people? Particularly the comedians, who are just so good of making us laugh. At least there is relief in saying the Worst Dressed List of last night’s Primetime Emmy Awards is rather short.
It’s actually kind of boring that everyone has a stylist and at least looks decent at these things. But leave it to our fav gal-pals to be the real winners of the night by looking a bit out of whack. Here are my picks for 5 Worst Dressed of the Primetime Emmy Awards.
Julianna Margulies is Grey Gardens
I must confess, considering how great she usually looks – this feels good. To say, aha! Not today Julianna. You are not better than the rest of us today!
Laura Prepon is Not the New Black
I love Laura. Be it That 70s Show or Orange is the New Black, she’s awesome. She’s super fun and also hot. I so wish the caliber of her gown measured up to her hotness. In general, OITNB ladies looked amazing last night – but this is too much. I mean look at the asymmetrical shoulder flap. What IS that? (P.S. her hair needs help.)
A Lena Dunham Confection!
Lena Dunham is particularly awesome, so I feel putting her on a Worst Dressed list will have no bearings whatsoever on her awesome-meter. But, wow. This is so awesomely bad we’re sure to remember it forever!!
Mayim Bialik Does Scarlet O’Hara Proud
We’ve all GOT to recognize the unexpected longevity of Mayim Bialik’s career. Who knew Blossom had it in her? And speaking of ingenue’s with force – here Mayim proudly channels her inner Scarlet O’Hara. Cobalt blue IS a hot color right now, but yea..
Marchesa Steers Another One Astray
Melissa McCarthy is simply too nice and funny to have no help. I mean, she REALLY needs to call me up. If I was her stylist and Marchesa was calling, I’d take the phone off the hook. They just don’t have the skills to really WORK with this body type. I know this is a challenge, and as she has struggled for such a long time – I feel it’s an offense on her kindness that no one with any sense of style doesn’t start to steer her right.
That’s it? Yea! Believe it or not, that’s it. I’m telling you, stylists are putting us ‘Worst Dressed’ listers out of commission. Just where is a swan suit when you need one?
Sure, while the Worst Dressed list is quite sparse, the Top 10 Best Dressed List is HOPPING with awesomeness. So you best head on over there. *nudge*
Totally agree with you on Laura Prepon – looks like a bad prom dress to me! Great post x
Jasmin Charlotte
Don’t you just hate it when bad clothes happen to good people? 🙁
These were so fun to see! 🙂
Every Day In Grace
OH WOW there are some disasters here xx