It’s that time of year again, when we all go a little crazy mixing up our foundations. Gone is the matte finish, hello radiant and semi-dewy skin! The 5 Best Spring/Summer Foundations post idea has been circulating in my brain for a while. But, guess what?
I’ve got something special in store!
My very FIRST YouTube video! After snapping these shots, I thought…why not turn the camera onto myself and give the whole beauty video thing a go? It definitely sounded easy and worth giving a shot, and as it turns out…I had quite a lot of fun making a YouTube video and I look forward to more in the future. Please excuse any first-time jitters. Turns out, sitting in a room talking to a camera by myself is surprisingly much harder than it looks! Major props to anyone out there who makes YouTube videos on the regular.
On that note, let’s get into the makeup and watch me talk through my Top 5 Foundations for Spring/Summer:
To any of you out there that gave encouraging words on giving YouTube a try, thank you so much! It would mean so much to me if you’d subscribe. Also, please please let me know what other types of videos you would like to see. I’ve done a couple ‘vlog style’ clips that I hope to piece together for you this weekend…but other than that, what do you like? Beauty? Fashion? Healthy living?
I guess it’s as they say…the sky’s the limit! Everyone have a beautiful day and share with me in the comments what YOUR favorite summer foundation is!
I will definitely go for a really light shade for the naked foundation as I hate it when you think you’ve gone the right colour and then it’s like AH I am orange!!! You are so awesome by the way, I love your accent- is that so cliche? I am so sorry