Walking you through my relaxing autumn evening routine – vegan caramels included!
Hi there, dreamers! Perhaps you’ve noticed, but I’ve been a bit more quiet than usual in October. #AllApologies
While I wish I could say I’ve been off doing something super fun and exciting – like gallivanting across Europe or climbing mountains – in reality…it’s been pretty boring. This month, I’ve been dealing with increased bouts of anxiety and quite a bit of pain. As such, upon returning home after a long day of work…it’s been difficult for me to muster the energy to write a post. Instead, I’ve dedicated my evenings to getting in a better headspace and healing my aching sore muscles, hip and back. I think I probably hurt myself when I decided to clean my gutter out the other day. You know they say to clean it every spring and autumn, well since it’s autumn I decided to do it myself. That was probably a big mistake. I think next time I’ll just make use of a gutter company like this Clean Pro Gutter Cleaning Tallahassee. That way, I won’t hurt myself (hopefully!!). I’ve been having quite a few issues with aching muscles recently so I’ve been making these positive changes to combat this. Making simple changes like having these relaxing evenings, taking a L-citrulline dl-malate supplement and getting more massages have really been helping me.
THANKFULLY, I feel like I’m turning a corner. My anxiety is better under control and my pain is starting to subside. As such, I’m ready to creep back into producing more regular content for you lovely lot.
To start?
My Relaxing Autumn Evening Routine
Because if there’s one thing I’ve been doing every evening this autumn, it’s been relaxing. Bubble baths, soothing cups of tea, pampering myself with beauty goodies and – of course – indulging in a whole lot of Netflix. (And Showtime!! I watched season three of The Affair and season six of Homeland this month. Woo!)
Surprise, surprise – I’ve also been reading. After seeing Stephen King’s IT at the cinema, I bought the book from iBooks and have been working my way through that horrifying masterpiece. It’s a long one…(try 1800+ pages)…but I’m determined to finish by Halloween. Goals!
Autumn Evening Routine – Skincare Favorites!
Like I said, nightly pamper sessions have been a key part of my relaxed routine every night this season. After five back surgeries, I’m no stranger to needing to soak sore muscles in a piping hot bubble bath or use a portable feet massager to soothe my aching feet after being on them all day. And this month I’ve coupled that with some new skincare favorites.
Alana Mitchell Pumpkin Cleanser (Here)
I actually DID a more complete review of this full Skincare by Alana range, here…so I’ll keep things brief. Long story short? Her pumpkin cleanser is a treat I look forward to using every night. In a hot bath with loads of bubbles, I put this on my Clarisonic and get to work washing the day away. It has such a fragrant pumpkin spice smell (which is obviously perfect for the season) and is uber cleansing. As a lightweight foaming cleanser, I think you’ll find this very refreshing to use. I know I do!!
Michael Todd Wild Berry Exfoliating Peel (Here)
It wouldn’t be a relaxing autumn evening routine without mention of some sort of a face mask, now would it? Lately, I’ve been ditching heavier clay masks that feel like they’re sucking the life out of me in favor of this tasty treat from Michael Todd Beauty. This smells so tasty, I almost want to eat it. And, it pairs surprisingly well with the pumpkin cleanser like an organic skincare feast for your complexion. I apply this at the start of my bath after cleansing, then allow for it to do its thing for 10-15 minutes while I soak. Afterwards, I wash this away leaving my skin feeling totally refreshed.
Simply Scrub Chocolate Body Scrub Jar (Here)
During NYFW, Simply Scrub reached out to me to inquire if I’d be interested in trying some of their organic body scrubs – and of course my tired body jumped at the chance. They sent me a coffee and a rose – and while both are fantastic, I’m partial to the coffee. What can I say? I’m a coffee hound, even for my skin. Exfoliating my face is something I’m pretty good about my larger body tends to get the short end of the stick. Not anymore though, because I’m pretty addicted to this stuff.

Relaxing Autumn Routine – Soothing Treats
After a relaxing hot bubble bath, I’ve been retreating to time by my soft autumn lights. Naturally. It’s at this time that I’ve been doing yoga routines and my nightly arm exercises (because I’m determined not to have wiggle arms anymore).
Typically, I spend about 30 to 45 minutes doing floor exercises and stretches by scented candles and my lighted autumn leaves. My muscles will be nicely warmed from the bath and my mindset is quite relaxed. Generally speaking, my approach to exercise can be summed up as a fusion of pilates to strengthen and yoga to release tension.
Then…Time for a Spot of Tea
After strengthening and stretching my body on the floor, I’ve been rising to unwind with a nightly cup of hot tea. This has generally been ESSENTIAL to helping me sleep better at night. Rotating between peppermint, spiced apple and even a delicious hibiscus tea from Trader Joe’s…I have a wide selection of favorites.
Some nights I’m really good and just stick with the tea. Other nights? I turn to something sweet.
Vegan Salted Caramels (Here)
I discovered these delicious treats at the Newark airport and basically screamed out-loud with excitement upon discovering they stock them here at my routine grocery store. Whether you’re vegan or not, I wager you’ll fall in love with the Cocomel Coconut Milk caramels. These are perfectly soft and just heavenly! Obviously, it is quite nice to fit a treat like these in your autumn evening routine. When I’m not having these caramels, I’ve also been nibbling on Smarties. I know, I know. They’re not the most popular of candies but they’re vegan and I think pretty tasty. (Note: If your local grocery doesn’t stock these caramels, they’re available on Amazon Prime!)
Dreamers, I hope you enjoy this post and can forgive me for being a little bit quiet this month.
Sometimes, you really just have to take the time to prioritize yourself. I was feeling both mentally and physically drained and definitely needed these last few weeks to unwind and take care of myself. Things have been so chaotic and go, go go…making it nice to retreat at the end of the day with some pampering essentials and a nice cup of tea.
Do you have any relaxing evening essentials?
Let me know if there’s anything you’ve been doing in the evening to help YOU better unwind from a crazy day. Now that it’s autumn and heading into winter, I definitely get into more of a ‘nesting’ state and would absolutely love to hear your tips and tricks for a relaxing evening in.
Thanks so much for reading and sending you lots of love!!
Shop the Post
Cocomel Salted Caramel Coconut Milk Candies
Michael Todd Beauty Wild Berry Skin Peel ($34)
Skincare by Alana Mitchell Pumpkin Cleanser ($32)
Simply Scrub Organic Coffee Body Scrub Jar ($14)
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