At last, the much hyped “flash 5 years forward” Pretty Little Liar‘s premiere debuted last night on Free Form. Now, our favorite girls of Rosewood are college graduates and all about their new careers and cocktails…and gossiping about Ali, of course. Let’s review how their style has changed with college degrees.
It seems like we’ve been hearing about this 5-year jump on Pretty Little Liars for ages…and finally it debuted. 5 years later, we meet the girls who are scattered around the US in different jobs…with updated style and boyfriends. Marlene King decided to split all of the show’s couplings, which will no doubt create drama as the girls who have moved on to new boyfriends are suddenly around their old boyfriends much more when forced back to Rosewood.
The call to return came from Alison, who is on a mission to have Charles, aka Charlotte, aka Cece, released from the psych ward (not Radley – a different one. We’ll get to that…) and back at home with her. Ali writes her four “besties”, urging them to return home and testify that they won’t be scared if Charlotte’s released…even though she terrorized, kidnapped and nearly killed them…for years. No biggie.
Upon the girls’ return to Roseword, we learn little tidbits of what Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily and their families have been up to over the five years we missed. Spencer declares that they were 5 A-free, good, bad and at times awful years. Ezra is a published author at Aria’s publishing house, but is stalled on his second book as he grieves mysterious disappearance of his new love interest while working with Habitat for Humanity overseas. Emily’s father sadly lost his life at war, and her mother is struggling to get out there and date. Spencer’s mom is running for the US Senate, which will hopefully bring for some exciting campaign drama. Hanna’s mom has remodeled Radley as luxury hotel and restaurant. And – perhaps most shocking of all – Alison is a married English teacher. What?
All that aside, I know what REALLY matters here is the style!
So just how has each Rosewood girl’s style changed? A while back on Dream in Lace, I used to do PLL fashion recaps…and given the 5 year time-leap, I thought it would be fun to resurrect that idea to review our PLL girlfriends’ style together. On we go!
I’m torn on the idea of continuing these fashion recaps, so do let me know if you’d like them to continue! They are a lot of fun to put together, but perhaps every week would get redundant? Perhaps when major events pop up in Rosewood we could meet back here to discuss, i.e. any weddings? Further funerals? Whatever Marlene King has up her sleeve…?
For now though, I’m excited about the reboot of the show and the start of a new mystery. Let’s all HOPE it doesn’t drag on as long as the last one…or have as disappointing of a reveal. (Sorry, but that Charles is Cece reveal was pretty lame.)
On that note, let me know which girl’s style you like best and what you think of the show’s flash forward approach! Talk to you all again tomorrow, when I’ll be sharing my goals for the coming year!
Oh – and in case you missed it – I do have a fun giveaway going on right now that you might be interested in.
I still love Aria’s style, her fashion has been my favourite since the first series. And I’m excited that we finally have the 5 years forward!
Maddie //