With all the Jaclyn Hill lipstick drama going about, it’s quite possible you overlooked the new Buxom Full Force PLUMPING lipsticks. (I know I did for a minute.) Well, miss them know more and get the full scoop on Buxom’s latest lip launch.
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Oh, dreamers! If you’re at all into makeup and/or lipstick, you’ve probably heard quite a bit about the Jaclyn Hill lipstick drama that’s been unfolding over the past several weeks.
It’s been madness and the drama surrounding Jaclyn Hill and her fuzzy lipsticks pretty much took over the entire beauty community. We had beauty gurus on YouTube taking out magnifying licenses, chemists conducting their own testing for mold and other contaminants, a total botched crisis management situation from Jaclyn Cosmetics and Jaclyn Hill themselves and, of course, some really yucky hairs to look at.
Needless to say, the word lipstick was owned by Jaclyn Hill this summer and any other recent lipstick launch simply fell under the radar.
Well, no more! TODAY I am here to give the new Buxom Full-Force Plumping Lipsticks the attention they deserve!
Truth be told, Buxom is no stranger to a summer lipstick launch. In fact, just last year they launched their unique POWDER lipsticks. Clearly I wasn’t the only one intrigued by the idea of a powder lipstick because my review went on to be one of my MOST read posts of 2018. So naturally, when I caught wind of the news that Buxom was getting ready to drop their newest lipstick I was ready!
The Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipsticks
Eager to give Buxom’s new lip product a try, I picked up two shades up from Nordstrom and have been having quite a bit of fun testing them out.
The Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipsticks were said to be full coverage, have a creamy formula, satin finish and create an immediately plumper lip. Given that I personally long for fuller lips, I was especially excited to put that claim to the test. The lipstick also contains Hyaluronic acid to boost moisture – something I am 100% about.
Currently, the Full Force plumping lipsticks are available in 15 shades. The color selection varies from everyday nudes to mauves, pinks and even a couple reds. The two shades I picked up are:
- Mover: Soft, Barbie Pink
- Icon: Nectar Orange
Before we get into the nitty gritty of how the lipsticks perform, allow me to model them for you:

I have to say, I honestly can’t pick a favorite between these two shades. Both colors are incredibly versatile and are great for wearing to work. As for how well the lipsticks perform? That remains to be seen. Now onto my review!
If this is your first time catching a review from me:
- Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.
- Below I break down everything I look for in a lipstick.
- If there’s anything I miss, ask away in the comments and I’ll get back to you asap!
- Have fun! (This is really just a nonsensical bonus recommendation of mine.)
Full Coverage? Not Quite.
The Buxom Full Force Plumping lipsticks come with a claim of being full coverage. Do I agree with that statement? Eh. Not really.
Don’t get me wrong, the lipsticks do come with a great amount of pigment but the formula does allow for your lip to shine through. When I think of FULL coverage, MAC’s Satin, Amplified or Matte lipsticks come to mind. The amount of coverage you get from these is nice but it’s flying somewhere in the middle. Think one of MAC’s Amplified lipsticks topped off with a YSL Rouge Volupte Shine.
A Glossy Satin Finish
At the risk of being totally nit-picky, I do also kind of take issue with Buxom’s claim that the Full Force Plumping lipsticks have a satin finish.
From my perspective, these have too much shine to them to be considered a true Satin lipstick. Then again, they’re not shiny enough to be a straight shine in my book either. So, in the end I’m going to declare that these have a really nice glossy satin finish. It’s quite beautiful.
Psst. If you’re interested in a great true satin lipstick – check these out!
How Long Do the Lipsticks Last?
Given that the Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipsticks are more sheer with quite a bit of shine to them, it makes sense that they don’t last as long as your standard matte or satin lipsticks. When I’m not eating or drinking, I can squeeze about 2-3 hours in before I notice the lipstick washing away. It’s not a great wear-time by any means, but because I enjoy the glossy appearance of the lipsticks I go along with it.
If you have a major event or a long day when you want bullet-proof lipstick? This isn’t the one for you.
Comfort Level? High
Definitely one of the biggest selling points of the Buxom Full Force Plumping lipsticks is how comfortable they are to wear. I know, I know, they do have that standard tingling sensation you can expect from a “plumping” lipstick…but it’s mild and generally I stop noticing it after a minute or two.
From then on, it’s smooth sailing.
How “Plumping” is the Lipstick?
Okay, so let’s get to the biggest question of all: the plump factor. The answer is actually a little perplexing to me so I visited Buxom’s site to read exactly what they had to say about this:.
Buxom’s Claim: A lipstick that smooths and fills for fuller-looking, ultra-lush lips.
Do I feel like the Full Force lipsticks smooth out and fill in lines across my lips? Absolutely! Do I consider that “plumping” them? Well, no. I don’t.
To date, I’ve tried one lip product that I actually agree is a lip plumper and it’s the Lip Injection gloss from Too Faced. I don’t quite understand the science of it, but that gloss definitely adds volume to my lips. Yes, it also comes with burning sensation that potentially makes my lip swell, but needless to say it works.
My 100% honest opinion? The Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipsticks are not plumping.
Yes, I really like the appearance of my lips when wearing the lipstick but I don’t see my lips to be any fuller.
Overall Thoughts:
I have to say, I really do like this lipstick — despite disagreeing with pretty much everything Buxom claims it to be. It’s has sheer coverage, not full. It has shine to it, not a true satin. And it definitely isn’t plumping.
Not measuring up to any of its claims aside, I do actually really like the two lipsticks I purchased and absolutely am considering purchasing more. (Got my eye on Powerhouse!) These are quite beautiful on the lips, are incredibly simple to apply and very comfortable.
BUXOM Full Force Plumping Lipsticks: The Rundown
- 15 Shades Available
- Medium Coverage
- Glossy, Satin Finish
- Mediocre Wear Time
- $19 each
- Available Nordstrom, Sephora, Ulta and BuxomCosmetics.com
- Certified Cruelty-Free
The Pros:
- Beautiful finish on the lips
- Decent color selection
- Pretty readily available
- Nicely priced. (Not drugstore priced of course, but not as pricey as Dior, YSL, etc.)
- Very comfortable to wear
- Contain Hyaluronic acid for increased moisture
- Easy to apply
- Nice packaging
- Certified cruelty-free
The Cons
- Despite the name, does not plump the lips
- Not a true satin finish
- Not full-coverage
- Less than average wear time (2-3 hours)
Overall Grade: B
As much as I do enjoy the Buxom Full Force Plumping Lipsticks, I honestly feel it wouldn’t be fair to rate these any higher considering they don’t meet any of the claims made by Buxom.
It’s quite confusing and somewhat sad to me, really. I hate to see a relatively great product disappoint people because someone made the decision to say it can do what it simply does not do.
I see this happening quite a bit in the makeup industry these days and it really confuses me. Maybe it’s the marketing background in me, but I’m always a big advocate for championing someone or some product’s strengths. By doing the opposite, you’re only pointing out its failures – which wouldn’t be failures if brands were just honest to begin with.
Truth is, when you add a label like “full-coverage” and “plumping” to a lipstick, the customer obviously expects it to be full-coverage and plumping. So to add those labels when the product clearly does not live up to them truly baffles me.
Regardless, I suggest taking a look at these the next time you’re at a store that sells BUXOM. The lipsticks are quite pretty and I’m very happy with them for what they actually are.
BUXOM Cosmetics Full Force Plumping Lipstick ($19 Each)
BuxomCosmetics.com * Nordstrom * Sephora * Ulta
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