When I arrived home after a long hard day, mentally exhausted and in quite a bit of pain – I decided to crack open my new notebook (who doesn’t love a fresh, new journal?) and put pen to paper, listing 10 things that make me happy.
10 Things that Make Me Happy
1. Loud singalongs in the car to One Direction, the Backstreet Boys – or really, any ole’ boy band will do. (The Beatles included, of course.)
2. Spending time with my beloved prince dog, Lucky. Be it on an evening stroll, or just curling up with him for a snuggle. He’s the source of so much joy in my life.
3. Long walks (in preferably beautiful weather), to music. It’s nice to zone out, or day dream that you’re a pop star yourself, for a few miles.
4. Feel good television and movies! Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion, What About Bob and an old classic, The Dolly Sisters will never fail to make me smile.
5. Blueberry pie a la mode. Whether it’s making my own (recipe here), or picking one up in a pinch.
6. Videos by Sprinkle of Glitter (aka Louise). I’m not always so great at staying up-to-date as they’re released, but I love a good marathon of Louise. It may sound strange, but she’s one of my favorite people in the world – and I’ve never met her. She’s so real, humorous and warm. She’s amazing, really.
7. Twitter chats. There’s something about kicking back and chatting to strangers from around the globe about a common topic that settles me.
8. A new lipstick. (Preferably YSL or MAC, but any will do!)
9. The Vampire Academy series. Sounds strange, but of all the books in the world – this series is the one I will always come back to for a reread…and it will put a smile on my face every single time. Rose, Adrian and the gang are such good friends to have. I actually wrote a full post on this, here.
10. “The Cottage”. My grandparents cottage on the shores of Lake Michigan is absolutely my favorite place in the world. Walks along the beach with the setting sun, cascading a sea of orange and pinks across the sky…heaven.
Taking a few minutes to jot down things that make me happy brought a real smile to my face. It was a practice that I found so surprisingly useful, that I had to share it with my fellow dreamers. We all have tough days, and while we might not have immediate access to the things that make us happy all the time, we can at the very least take a moment to remember them. Sometimes, the mere thought of something wonderful is enough to get you through. My mental happy place is definitely life on the shores of Lake Michigan at the cottage. Where’s your go-to mental retreat?
After making this list, I’ve decided to continue to use this journal in particular as a space to brew positive thoughts and vibes. Some things I’ll keep to myself, of course – but I’ll also share any bits of wisdom or inspiration where I can. One thing that is important to me, is creating a warm and happy space where everyone is encouraged to chase their dreams and be the best version of themselves. I’m no expert, obviously – but perhaps we can embark on this journey together.
Thank you for letting me talk your ear off for a moment today. Please, share with me the things that make you happy!
Wishing and hoping you’re having an amazing week!
I’m very happy that Backstreet Boys are on your list, lol.