Everyone has their first eBay purchase. That one pop-your-cherry item that got you creating a PayPal account and bidding away in the wold of digital auction faster than you could run to the store. For me, it was a blue teardrop Givenchy necklace – that, from there, spawned a full Givenchy jewelry collection! Literally.
What can I say? I’m a fan of the delicate, vintage look that Lady Mary cultivates so well on Downton Abbey. And, while I might not be scurrying around the abbey day and night, I do on occasion like to dress like a lady….sometimes even act like one.
Givenchy has certainly evolved through the years. Today’s Ricardo Tisci era might not be the picture of vintage elegance, but yes – Givenchy does have a long history of beautiful costume pieces that would satisfy Lady Mary herself. And eBay? A virtual landmine for gemstone bracelets, necklaces and earrings – sold separately or as sets.
My Givenchy jewelry collection grew, quickly. For a while, my eBay app was a running list of Givenchy best pieces. I was watching this, I scrutinizing my bid on that. Bidding on eBay comes with a bit of a rush, and to receive beautiful sparkly pieces in the mail afterward was a bonus.
Today, I’ve shelved my obsession with accumlating new pieces in favor of enjoying the ones I have. What speaks to me most about Givenchy’s jewelry is how refined it is. Each piece adds a bit of sparkle to an ensemble, without stealing the whole show. They beautifully enhance your outfit with a touch of sophistication and legacy, like pieces passed down from great grandmas to great grand daughters – or eBay seller to eBay buyer 😉
It’s nice to enjoy the heritage of a house like Givenchy, especially when worn on your wrist.
What’s your eBay shopping addiction?